Thursday, January 22, 2009

Last Post About TV For a While...

So while walking home from the post office today, I passed an FYE store that's going out of business and had everything at 50% off. And, being an eternal bargain hunter, I decided to see if there was anything worth picking up.

Obviously, there wasn't much left (there never is!). A lot of Playboy DVDs, oddly, some random seasons of M*A*S*H, and most curiously of all, the first season of Dave's World, which I don't think anyone remembers but Harry Anderson, Dave Barry, and myself.

To cut to the chase, after much browsing, I found the next TV show I'm gonna watch: Ultraman! I don't know crap about this show, so why would I want to watch it? Because it's got stuff like this in every single episode:

Already, it's so much better than Mad Men.