LOST starts up next week! Last night they re-aired the fourth season's finale, and it got me psyched. Like, heart beating fast, mind racing, a little scared of ghosts, legs all turned to putty, and shouting at the TV constantly.
As I said in the 2008 recap, getting into LOST was one of the best decisions I made all year. That sounds lame, but I mean it sincerely. What else has selflessly given me so many hours of entertainment? Nothing, that's what.
Wow, do I love this show, and here's one of the many reasons why: It's very much like a role-playing game in its complexity and depth. Each season, the world grows successfully (mysterious island to hatch to Others to holy crap, that wasn't a flashback, it's a flash forward, THEY'RE IN THE FUTURE), in exactly the same way that the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy failed (awesome ghost pirates to kind-of-crappy Davy Jones to, I don't know, somehow Jack Sparrow was killed but he came back and it just didn't make sense or was entertaining at all, it got too muddled and I hated it).
Like, with LOST, we always get more puzzle pieces... but the mystery still deepens. With Pirates, we didn't even see the Kraken get killed. And the main big enemy ended up being, like, the owner of the East Indian Tea Company? I get it, law and order vs. pirate chaos, but seriously? The top villain, after the awesome UNDEAD PIRATE and weird OCTOPUS PIRATE is A BUSINESSMAN? That's... not entertaining.
Anyway, this Saturday the Paley Center is having a LOST Event, and you better believe I'm going.
I'm psyched (aren't I always?) although the main attraction has me a little concerned: it consists of "a special 30-minute preview of the season five premiere, followed by discussion with a panel of LOST experts."
I'll have to ask the people in charge, but is it the first 30 minutes of the premiere, or a 30-minute preview? Because if it's the latter (and I think it is), I don't want to see that. That's too much of a spoiler. Like, seriously, I can wait less than a week to get the entire episode in all its glory, rather than ruining it with bits and pieces and "HOLY SHIT, DID YOU SEE THAT?" moments.
And though I like listening to panels, I'm deathly afraid of hearing information I shouldn't. The Doctor Who one at Dragon*Con was all right, because no one had any real information, it was all speculation and opinion. Here, though, ugh. I try to avoid any real-world news that could affect the show (example: if an actor doesn't renew his contact), so I might have to skip out on this, too.
Still, even if I have to leave the MAIN EVENT, it'll be pretty cool to watch two very awesome episodes in a room full of fans.

PS: I took this pic with my camera phone last night. Now it's my phone wallpaper! It also says "YOU BELONG" over Locke's head, but I don't know how to change that.
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