Monday, March 23, 2009

Let's Twilight?

I'm getting a lot of conflicting advice regarding the last two books in the Twilight series.

On the CON side, Omaha Jesse says, "PLEASE don't cave like I did, and waste your time finishing the series. The last book is such a joke. If you were frustrated by the lack of plot, and her deciding to throw in a few plot elements 2/3 of the way through the first book, then you will most definitely be pissed and want to burn the 4th book after reading it.

"Also, Stephanie Meyer treats the audience like they are functionally retarded."

Whereas Heather leads the PRO side with: "Kirk, please read the rest, if only so I can see you go face-meltingly apoplectic at the last one like I did. Really, I could not shut up about those books by the end because they made me so fuuuuuurious. But
it was a delicious fury."

So I'm torn. I enjoy hating these books, and they've given me more pleasure than The Elegant Universe, which I'm currently trying to read so I won't appear functionally retarded in front of my scientist friends.

Life is too short for bad things, but I've always been kind of keen on crappy experiences as long as they're interesting (case in point: one unforgettable visit to The Holy Land Experience). Twilight, for all its flaws (of which there are many), is at least interesting BECAUSE it's so shitty.

Eh, who am I kidding? I know how this is gonna end. I'll read them, eventually. Probably when someone lends them to me or when I see them at the library.

Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.

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