It starts in Europe, maybe the Ukraine or Poland. Someplace cold and snowy. I'm on a fact-finding mission regarding LOST. I pass by this restaurant that has these delicious-looking pancakes, or their Eastern European equivalent.
So I go in and who do I meet but JJ Abrams. He's talking about LOST with some people, and since there are so few folks around who can speak English, I horn in on the conversation. We talk about John Locke, and I have choice things to say about him which I won't repeat here because I don't want to spoil the season finale, in case you haven't seen it yet. John Locke is a mystery, both in the dream and in the real world.
And there's something else... I witness a radio transmission between two places, it seems like Korea and the Ukraine, maybe it's Penny's weather station. The words are garbled, and it's subtitled, but the words go by super-fast. Fortunately, I use my mad skillz to read the subtitles, and I can interpret their language barrier.
This was supposed to be a teaser for people, the sort of thing that can only be seen once so there are no screen-grabs or anything. But I'm brilliant and I comprehend much more of the message than they intended. Like, they wanted us to focus on some words and not the others, like a magician's misdirection, but I got to the secret. And this was dangerous information.
The message, which I doubt will appear in Season Six, was about, like, an earthquake or weather control or natural disaster (that might have been caused by man) or something. It ties in to the Season Two finale and what happened at the end of Season Five. There IS a connection (you should have realized this if you are observant and have mad skillz like me).
The dream changes. I'm in a comfy bus or a limo with Damon Lindelof. We're talking and he's letting me watch the entire season premiere of Season Six. It begins in New York City, a POV shot of a certain street. I notice what others would miss - this is the real NYC, and it's someone watching from a certain area, a specific street corner, off of 55th or 57th Street. If I can find the location from which it was filmed, I'll discover a secret.
Then I know. I know this street. It ties in to an episode of Mission Hill that I love, and I chant over and over, "It's Weirdo Beardo! Weirdo Beardo, Weirdo Beardo, Weirdo Beardo!" Weirdo Beardo being a very minor character/place on that short-lived animated series, basically a video store that specializes in obscure and weird films [and yes, I know Mission Hill doesn't take place in NYC].
Damon laughs and is psyched that I figured it out so easily. He says that Weirdo Beardo (the name of the store and also the name of the weird, bearded guy who runs it) is a tip o' the hat to why there are so many obscure movie references throughout LOST. His example, which Sarah says is not true, is the Easter egg of Soylent Green in Season One (in a life raft? A boat?).
I'm not sure about the Weirdo Beardo connection, but I suspect it's something like the Manhattan Restaurant of the Mind (a bookstore) in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. But it's some sort of nexus between the real world and the fantasy world of LOST, or the real LOST and the dream LOST. It links into knowing there's a man named John Locke out there, and also an actor named Terry O'Quinn who plays John Locke.
Damon takes a liking to me, since I figured out one of his puzzles but I don't know the full answer. So he asks me, "What do you know about JJ Abrams?" I think about it, and have to admit, "Nothing, really." And he advises me to do some research on JJ, he's a "very interesting guy."
Talking this over with Sarah the next morning, she asks me to describe the JJ Abrams from my dream, and I finally realize what Damon was trying to tell me.

This is the real JJ Abrams. And this is not the man I met in the Ukraine. That man was bald, slightly older, and an impostor. [Note: In my dream, Damon Lindelof was the real Damon Lindelof.]
So WTF? This is what Damon wants me to research. Who was this faker? Why was he sent to throw me off? What misinformation did he feed me? What about the transmission? Does the real JJ Abrams have anything to do with anything (highly doubtful, since he's busy with other projects)? Was the whole John Locke thing a red herring? Or a trap? And should I still pursue it with the knowledge that it's a trap? And what REALLY stands on 55th or 57th Street?
Destiny calls.