This is a spin-off/sequel to the Death Note franchise (I reviewed Death Note II here), only now the focus is on L, the world's greatest detective. Hence the caps-lock hijinks.
I'm a little wary (Sarah opted out of the viewing, which shows how little she thought of the last movie), since I didn't love the last one, either. But this time it'll be subtitled, so that's a plus. And L is a fun character, so... how bad can it be? It's just a movie.
Things I am hoping for: A hilarious scene where L wears a silly mask or does a funny dance. Don't think I'm being a jackass by writing that; he had this great comic scene with a mask in the last film. Plenty of scenes where L eats an insane Japanese dessert (he only eats sugar). Music. A decent mystery. Insight into what it's like being the world's greatest detective. Even more eyeliner. Someone saying "change the world," preferably several times. A surprise cameo by me as an American in the background.
Things I am dreading: Ridiculously dressed teenagers shouting comments at the screen. Babies crying. Having to sit too close to the screen. Getting beaten up. These are my standard movie angsts, actually. Forgetting my puppet, either at home or at the theater (I have to leave right after to do this puppetry set). Being late for my puppetry set. A plot that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Suckiness in general. I hate when a movie is very bad, and then you look at your watch, and realize you still have 90 more minutes.
This will be the first thing I've seen in the theaters since Watchmen.

PS: Looking back over my Dragon*Con posts (I'm already psyched for this year), I realize I never mentioned the first person Cakey and I met, a girl dressed up as L.
To give you an idea of L's character, yes, a waifish, (probably) 14-year-old girl looks a LOT like him. That was really exciting, probably one of my favorite costumes at the con.
OK, another thing to hope for: Stick-like girls dressed up as L. Or incredibly fat people dressed up as L. Or me dressed as L, I don't care.
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