Monday, April 6, 2009

Beauty! Love! Truth!

So this Friday I took part in an interesting experiment involving film and improvisation, run by my friend Shannon Manning, for something called Beauty Love Truth. In Shannon's own words...
The name came about after Sept 11 when I was in Chicago with my sister and wondering/defending/on the verge of a very emotional fight about why I was staying in NY, what I was working on, what I cared about. I shouted out, "I dunno! Beauty! Love! Truth!"
...and I always thought that was a pretty noble and worthwhile sentiment.

BLT has been performed as a stage show off and on for a few years, and recently Shannon decided to try taping one. But instead of performing on a stage, it was like a house party, with people improvising conversations, a musician providing interludes, food and drink and a dog.

I took part as an actor in the inaugural party/show, and I got to wear my priest's uniform (I wanted to play a priest). It was pretty fun and interesting, but that's what one would expect in a living room full of fun and interesting people and a dog.

My favorite part ("What was YOUR favorite part?" Dora always asks at the end of the episode - I should mention I watch a lot of Dora the Explorer these days) was actually when we weren't taping. The two cameras had left the party to follow a scene that was taking place out on the street, and the musician Greg Peterson just started riffing on his guitar. It was very nice, very cinematic, to have music underscoring our conversations.

Anyway, the real challenge lies in Shannon working her movie magic and editing the entire evening so that it's coherent and good and magical. So ultimately the Let's Yes moment belongs to her. G'04 it, Shannon! And I hope the next BLT party is just as wonderful.

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