Monday, February 2, 2009

Meatless March

I'm gonna go vegetarian for a month.

I thought March would be a good time to take on this project, because Meatless March has a nice ring to it, but didn't feel like waiting another thirty days. So we'll just do it in February.

Why am I doing this? I dunno. I thought it might be interesting to see if I feel healthier/less sick all the time and less like a big fat chubbalubba.

There's rarely any meat in the house, anyway, except for the occasional cheeseburgers I bring home from the place down the street, and the packages of liverwurst I enjoy having for lunch (cottage cheese and liverwurst, I'm like an unemployed schlub, circa 1960), so it's not gonna be that big of a change.

Breakfast is usually oatmeal and tea and juice, lunch is cottage cheese and chips, and dinner is whatever Sarah makes. Gone are my other options: cheeseburgers, Subway sandwiches, tacos from that truck down the block that are surprisingly really good and not poisonous, but I'll make do.

The only time this should be weird or hard is when I'm at a restaurant, which I don't do much anymore since I'm trying to save money. So it should be easy, right?

On Friday, after helping Heather move, we ate at that Polish restaurant, and I thought that was a fine note to end on, as far as meat-eating goes. I ordered the Polish Platter (I'll eat anything as long as the name is alliterative - cheddar cheese, Cocoa Krispies, rack o' riblets, Meatless March), and boy-howdy, was it something.

Stuffed cabbage, which I thought would be stuffed with... I dunno, the Polish equivalent of rice or cous cous, which turns out to be an amazing meatball. Something that translates to Hunter's Stew. A kielbasa that was tough and crispy, like bacon. Three pierogis, two of which had some kind of meat. And I think one other thing, I can't remember what, but it was definitely meaty.

I thought it would kill me, but everything was so delicious and free (thanks, Tom's family) and nothing made me sick afterward, so I feel I got enough to last me through a whole month.

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