I wanted something big and complete, something that would seem like a hefty, incredible purchase, rather than several smaller things. And after re-reading that entry, I find it amusing that I ended up NOT buying a Sonic Screwdriver.
But I still didn't know what to get, hence the delay. The complete Red Dwarf series, while essential, is not a pressing purchase. And I still hope to one day own a VCR so I can enjoy my old tapes recorded from MemberVision's Night Tide (Sundays at 12:30 a.m., all throughout the early '90s).
Then, after RPGing with Chris in a public space (that's a blog for another day), I mentioned how I'd never finished Neil Gaiman's The Sandman series. Which is shocking! How could I make it through nine volumes of this- I don't know how to describe The Sandman without using the word "seminal," but I hate using that word because it reminds me of semen, and I'm not quite sure what it means - word-similar-to-seminal work of comic literature, and just conk out right before the final volume? For, like, over a decade?
And I hadn't read it in ages, not since high school, at the latest, when my brother had all the first editions of the graphic novels, which I probably bent up and creased. And Sarah's never read it, which is not too surprising, since she isn't into comics, but it's an important series and one worth experiencing.
Like I'd mentioned before, I'm wary of buying any big collection of an unfamiliar comic or TV series. Sandman Mystery Theatre (of which the first graphic novel is NEVER on the shelf at Midtown Comics, WTF), Scott Pilgrim, anything might be good, even great, but I'm not going to buy something unless I know that it's my cup of tea and that I'll read it again and again. And while I like Fables (the only other series that I've read most of ), I don't love it enough to think it needs purchasing.
So I went with The Sandman. I hope it holds up. I remember the first volume not being so hot, but it certainly starts cooking pretty quickly. Right?
The entire collection will be here by the end of the week, and I'm pretty psyched. It's been a long time, far too long, since I've seen Fiddler's Green, and I look forward to seeing him again. We never got to properly say goodbye, and he was always my favorite.

yay for gift certificates!! ah, red dwarf.