Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Let's Surprise Wedding Reception!

This is one of those secret things I didn't want to mention last month, because it wasn't my surprise to spoil: Improv Everywhere's Surprise Wedding Reception.

A really good time and a really great mission! Even though I've been a longtime supporter of Improv Everywhere, this was the first time I've ever been able to do a mission (life just always hands me conflicting schedules). So when I got the email from Charlie about being a guest at this reception, I had to do it.

And it was so nice! Tons of Let's Yes moments everywhere, from Charlie inventing IE and creating all these missions to the happy couple's response when offered an impromptu wedding reception. This sort of thing is right up my alley. Everyone was psyched.

I like how the groom said, "We're cynical New Yorkers so this is hard to believe," because in my experience, and maybe this is just the world I choose to live in, stuff like this happens all the time. There's so many wonderful people who want to add a little wonder and excitement and just want to increase the psyched-ness of the world... Even the biker Vikings who threaten to beat up yuppies are great. I really love New York. For every example I see of sucky crapitude, there's always three amazing things to make up for it.

My favorite moment: An onlooker who had nothing to do with the mission or the marriage remarked (and she meant this as a compliment), "Those are some fat-ass presents." And they were!

Many happy returns, Frank and Raff. And many more amazing missions, Improv Everywhere! And many more moments of wonder, world!

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