But screw it, I went anyway! And here I am in my biohazard survivalist gear.

I didn't wanna wear zombie makeup, I kind of hate putting on that stuff (and I didn't feel like ruining any of my clothes), but it isn't right to tag along as a civilian, so I put together this outfit.
The cool part was I frequently heard people say "That costume is REALLY creepy," because you couldn't see any of my skin or face (underneath the gas mask I wore one of those invisibility hoods).
So how was ZombieCon? It was pretty fun! As you know, I love wearing costumes and getting my picture taken, but I probably would have had more fun if I went with a group of friends.
Things that were cool: Seeing people dressed up like zombies, natch. The Disco Zombie. Getting a feel for a zombie stampede of the Manhattan Mall. Walking through Halloween Adventure. People looking at me warily.
Things that weren't so cool: The puddle of water that condensed inside my gas mask and occasionally spilled out. People not getting into character - I saw too many zombies with cell phones and cameras. And a lot of them were pretty lively for dead people. At the very least, I'd hoped for more shambling and groaning.
But I'm guilty of this, too, I went mostly to take pictures, but it's like I learned at Dragon*Con - you can either be the photographer or the model, but not both.
I conked out around midway through the afternoon (mingling with zombies is hard work!), and I ended up heading home before things got interesting - namely, the invasion of Wall Street and the after party.
I'll be back next year... unless there's a real zombie attack before then, in which case I can relive the magic every day.
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