Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Maine Recap II

Don't know if I mentioned this, but Sarah and I went back to Maine last weekend.

Things I saw...
- The island that John Travolta and Kirstie Alley live on.
- The biggest mosquito I've ever seen... and that says a lot, since I used to live near the Everglades.
- Two dogs, three cats (one in a car outside a highway Burger King).
- Ghostbusters II for Game Boy, which I consider the best Game Boy game ever.
- Owl's Head Lighthouse.
- A lot of Moxie paraphernalia.
- Most of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. It was OK.
- A ghost.

Things I didn't see...
- Porpoises, seals, and/or whales (on the schooner trip).
- Lobster rolls.
- The inside of a Duchess restaurant.
- John Travolta.
- The inside of Ghost Manor at the country fair ($4? No, thanks- I can see a real ghost for free).
- Any groundhogs.

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