Tuesday, June 3, 2008

30-Second Rule

A bit of wisdom I heard years ago is the 30-Second Rule, which says that if you can do something within 30 seconds, you should do it immediately instead of procrastinating.

It's actually really hard to follow, especially if you love being lazy, but something I've been doing this week, and I hope to keep up with, is making the bed.

In truth, I feel making the bed is an exercise in futility, because it'll be slept in within the day, but it DOES make the room look nicer, and even if I get nothing else done with my day, at least I've made the bed.

This line of thinking has actually made me feel better about myself, as after getting that one major accomplishment done, I can sit back and take it easy. And if I can do such a difficult task while still half-asleep, there's nothing I can't do.


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